By Bento - 05/10/2009 05:27 - United States

Today, I had to write a huge lab for my physics class. It's worth my entire quarter grade and I use a program on a CD for graphing. My mom thought it was a computer game and hid the CD. She can't find it. The lab's due tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 263
You deserved it 3 842

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Or worse is when the parents tell you to get off the computer and ban/kick you off/unplug the computer because they think you're on games when actually you're on an educational website.

nyuukou 0

I have officially decided that everyone saying the OP deserves it for being a procrastinating moron/dipshit/insult of choice AFTER the OP posted saying he had everything done except the graphs is possibly too stupid to breathe. (That means anyone from comment #45 on.) Seriously, don't people read the comments to see if there are explanations further than what can be fit in the rather limited space? I guess not, given all the idiots so quick to assume that because the project is due on an unknown 'tomorrow' (given that it may have been tomorrow from when this FML was written, not from when it was posted) that the OP is just a procrastinator and deserves it. After all, we all know that people who are about to fail something due the next day because someone took something important of theirs was just waiting until the last minute to do it. (That was sarcasm, just so you numbwits know.) That said, OP, I hope you found a way to do your graphs. Not your fault your mom can't be assed to make sure the CD she stole was actually a game.


lol @ the people saying he should have started earlier. the OP actually posted in the comments at the top that he had been working on it for a week and a half.

Parents should stop assuming that all kids are the same, the 'Never does homework, always messing around' stereotype. In this situation the Mother should have asked him about it instead of blatantly supposing it is a game.

Cheerbaby016 0

If my mom did that, I would have made her look for it, and wouldn't have helped her one bit unless she begged. She hid your shit, she should be looking for it.

some_girl9 8

FYL. Your mom is a ****. Punch her in the ovaries.

Its funny, if he had posted the software name, one of the 100-something FML posters or thousands of readers would probably have had a copy to send...

there are no less that 500 programs that can graph. take your pick.

antonioohama 0

It's ‘application’ people, not ‘program’ . Microsoft just likes screwing around with terms.

Tweety122888 0

parents should not touch what they dont know

I think you should threaten her with a knife and see if she remembers, that's gnna look real bad on ur transcript, and worse if you are on some type of honors class or financial aid, ur mom etter shit the cd out