By The Bearded Woman - 29/05/2012 04:06 - Canada - Kelowna

Today, I had to teach my younger brother to shave with a regular disposable razor because our dad uses an electric one and I'm the only other person in the family with enough facial hair to know how to use a razor. I probably would have been proud if I wasn't a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 914
You deserved it 2 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look on the bright side... Nope.... Never mind there isn't one.

illabye 0

Wow that sucks :/ hairy situation


At least you care to shave it OP. some girls don't even seem to notice their own mustache (My phone almost spell corrected mustache to "moist ache")

Like 95% of women have facial hair; they just like to pretend that they don't and that they don't hide it. Stop blaming her for genetics that she didn't choose.

ashlee420 2

Ok so I just made a **** my life account to say to u that I have the same problem and I'm very certain that many women do. If youlook at some bitches in the sunlight you'll see it. So don't worry to much about it. I have told everyone I know and no one is ****** up about it. Whatever man I'm a lady with a beard!! So are u!! Embrace it lady beards are awesome. :)

sunga21 3

You need to get your hormones checked.

princessmollysue 9

Facial hair on women is as natural as it is on men. Some men cannot grow facial hair at all. It is genetic. It is just socially acceptable that men have hair and women do not. Women do have hairy legs, they just shave for the same reason. Hair is not ugly. They have threading which is as affective as waxing. Get the persian waxes, they are much better for the skin if you are going that way.

If a man cannot grow any facial hair or if a woman has a lot, it is because of an hormonal debalencement...

Oops, forgot to translate (and also Made a spelling mistake) that Last word, it seems. Imbalance*

Wax instead of shaving the hair won't grow back so quick and so thick.

guad95 0