By Anonymous - 15/11/2012 19:47 - Ireland

Today, I had to stand next to my wife at the supermarket, beet-red and pretending not to exist; about half an hour into our shopping, she completely lost her shit at the advertising on the loudspeaker, turned to another patron, and screamed into his face to shut the fuck up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 638
You deserved it 2 483

Same thing different taste

Top comments

@ #8.. I also had to read this FML a couple times before I understood it. The story is pretty much told in reverse, if that helps.


the location was in ireland! read the dialog in that accent!! good lols... sorry if your from there.. and i know we people in the usa arnt perfect eithrt

vic55jets 13
honeybadgerr 9

Took me a few times to actually understand this fml. I wonder how this one even made it on here?? I read much better one's when moderating :/

I would have said something to her...maybe something like "what the hell is wrong with you?"

I do that too! I can get away w it because my daughter is only 3.

tbooty2140 4

Looks like she is the dominant male in your relationship