By not_this_shit_again - 09/04/2014 12:37 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, I had to show a new student around my school. Normally, that wouldn't be such a bad thing, but the student was my crazy, overly-attached ex. I transferred schools to get away from her in the first place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 987
You deserved it 3 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments


(sings) Ex-Girlfriend! Ex-Girlfriend! You told her you were through, but she sticks to you like glue. Ex-Girlfriend and me! -To the tune of the old "My Buddy" doll jingle on Robot Chicken.

rocker_chick23 27

Transfer schools across the country

doglover100 28

Time to go to an all boys school.

Did you tell the person who gave you this assignment that this was your ex-girlfriend and that she has, shall we say, boundary issues? It sucks that she followed you to your new school. You may have to move to a new planet to get away from her if she's that bad.

tell that bitch to piss off and that your shadow needs a rest.

cjwayy 22

That's awful... I've had an ex stalk me, and I got a restraining order. She's also banned from stepping on my school's grounds.

skittyskatbrat 19

Have you talked with Campus Security and Admissions? Trust me, the campus does not want a news story about an attack, violence, major public meltdown, etc. any more than you want to experience it. It is definitely in their best interests to rescind admission for this student, most especially if you have any sort of police reports, counseling papers, records at a previous school, etc. to show that she is a stalker. Approach it with that in mind, "This student has problems severe enough that I transferred schools to avoid them. She is capable of, and likely to, cause problems on campus. Here is the contact information for (previous college's security office), the counseling office (if you need to give permission for the current school's office or admins to access those records, do so), and (whatever else is useful, such as an apartment complex's banning her from their property or a police report). If you need any more information to determine an appropriate course of action, please let me know and I will provide it." It's a bit of a YDI, though. You should have immediately told your supervisor that it would be very inappropriate for you to show this student around campus and asked to speak to them briefly and in private.

Online classes I think will be your savior

I'm so sorry. I'd discuss this with the administration.