Fresh start, sort of…

By robbed - 02/09/2023 22:00

Today, my ex-girlfriend from high school has been at her new college for a week. She broke up with me because she wanted to meet new people and leave high school behind her. That was understandable… until my best friend showed me texts from her trying to arrange to hook up with him when she’s back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 718
You deserved it 98

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You have a loyal best friend! Be thankful for that… Beyond that, once your ex broke up with you, she’s a free agent. I don’t think it would feel much better knowing she was dating some guy from her college than from your home town. But I admit that going for your best friend is just rubbing your nose in it… OP, just move on with your own life. That chapter is over. There is no such thing as “the one” there are simply people who are more or less compatible. The longer you dwell on what was, the longer before you find a good match for you now.

She can do both. Once she dumps you, she can become the campus cum-dumpster if she wants, then bone your friend. It's not her, it's you.


You have a loyal best friend! Be thankful for that… Beyond that, once your ex broke up with you, she’s a free agent. I don’t think it would feel much better knowing she was dating some guy from her college than from your home town. But I admit that going for your best friend is just rubbing your nose in it… OP, just move on with your own life. That chapter is over. There is no such thing as “the one” there are simply people who are more or less compatible. The longer you dwell on what was, the longer before you find a good match for you now.

She can do both. Once she dumps you, she can become the campus cum-dumpster if she wants, then bone your friend. It's not her, it's you.