By ouch - 25/02/2009 23:29 - United States

Today, I had to rush to school to avoid being late. Unfortunately, I forgot to put a bra on beforehand, and as soon as I got to gym class, the first thing my teacher said was: "Okay folks, let's get outside, we're running the mile." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 854
You deserved it 39 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If your boobs are small enough that you can FORGET to put a bra on, you probably don't need one for running.

... I have never in my life ever forgotten to wear a bra.


I agree,I can't stand not having one on either,i'm almost a D and even when i wear one,it hurts.xD

unless they have small boobs they probably don't notice

rudikk99 2

I really hate those peole who think that the world spins around them ... egocentric bitch who probably has 0 size bra

Valor77 0

You can't just assume shes one of those people. This website is made for people to share their life stories. You're probably some loser who's jealous.

OUCH! guessing everyone saying it's no biggie has no boobs but it seriously hurts bug or smalll

akeller3298 1

Doesn't your teacher tell you the day before that you'd be doing the mile ?? and plus , it's not like your teacher was like "oh , were gonna run the mile cause ______ doesn't have a bra on." it doesn't work like that.

I don't get how it isn't a habit to put on your bra every morning.