By Anonymous - 23/12/2018 04:00

Today, I had to go meet my professor at 12. I wound up showing up almost an hour late. Why? Because she doesn't teach at the campus I registered at. I wound up having to visit TWO different campuses before I reached the right one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 235
You deserved it 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

julfunky 29

Always, ALWAYS, visit the classroom or office before class actually starts. Avoid mishaps like this ahead of time.

Blunt person 16

I mean, it sucks, but YDI because you really should have known where to meet. It's called paying attention.


julfunky 29

Always, ALWAYS, visit the classroom or office before class actually starts. Avoid mishaps like this ahead of time.

Blunt person 16

I mean, it sucks, but YDI because you really should have known where to meet. It's called paying attention.

shady80 4

well, it sounds like your just dumb