By Ughhhhh - 03/10/2016 16:18 - United States - Stockton

Today, I purpose woke up early so that I could be prepared for a class taught by a professor who thinks I'm an idiot. This professor was the first to tell me that I'm 2 hours early and asked very slowly if I know how schedules worked. She seriously sounded concerned. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 839
You deserved it 3 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

species4872 19

That is a lot of preparation time, I would assume most people would think that anyone arriving 2 hours before anyone else has either got their times wrong or the student is having a hard time with the course.

I mean honestly, I would think you messed up with looking at the time, too. If you want to wake up early and be prepared, prepare at home, no need to arrive hours early. Be there at a normal time, just after preparations.


It sounds like she's the idiot. Don't pay her any mind. Do your class work well, and prove her wrong. In the end, hopefully she'll see just how bright of a student you are!

zacharyd650 15

The person didn't use the correct word. They should've said "purposely", so I'm not sure that they are a good student to begin with.

species4872 19

That is a lot of preparation time, I would assume most people would think that anyone arriving 2 hours before anyone else has either got their times wrong or the student is having a hard time with the course.

tantanpanda 26

Yeah, if I was the professor, this would also be my train of thought. If a student is really preparing, they wouldn't come to the lecture hall or classroom that the class is for. There could also be a class going on before OP'S, so coming in early wouldn't cross most people's minds, especially 2 hours early. Since OP has choice in schedule used the term "professor", I'm assuming this is at least at the community college level to 4 year. If so, there are magical, free (or you're forced to pay in tuition) things called the library that are meant for studying. Sorry for being that asshole, but the professor is kinda right in being concerned.

Not necessarily. If there ISN'T a class before OPs, sitting in the classroom could be a good place to sit and study. As the student who arrives an hour early where ever possible, I can see reason for it. I get there early in my current classes so I can start work early, that way, instead of three hours to work on things in class, I often have four. It makes a world of difference in some classes. OPs situation might make more or less sense if we knew what class this was even for and what they felt the need to prepare for. But I completely understand why they would, especially if maybe they're behind or have a test coming up. ( Or even a quiz or something. ) Even when I was taking gen ed classes and not my wildly-specific-to-my-degree classes, I was always relieved when one class let out early so I could go sit ( often outside of, due to a class in the time slot before mine. ) and study in case of either a pop quiz or, if we had an exam that day, for that. So there's plenty of reasons why they might have gotten there so early, and no reason for the teach to have handled it the way she did.

Sadly, there will always be somebody convinced that you're an idiot no matter how much you do to prove them wrong. Your only options are either to drop the class or suffer through it until that day you never have to see her again.

If there's a will there's a way. I struggled in my personal life sophomore year and I was taking pre ap algebra II. My teacher thought I was an idiot because I got Cs and treated me as such. It was very infuriating and I could have switched out but 1. I love math and I don't give up 2. I wanted to prove the bitch she was wrong. I ended the year just under an A (89%) and she suggested I take a slower math class the next year. I told her I wanted to take statistics and she laughed. Said I couldn't handle it and wouldn't give me the packet to prepare for it. I went to the office, got the packet, took stats and passed it. Senior year as I got my diploma I looked her straight in the face and told her "I told you so." She wouldn't look me in the eye. Sometimes perseverance is best than quitting over something as stupid as this. As long as you learn, then there's no need drop the class.

I mean honestly, I would think you messed up with looking at the time, too. If you want to wake up early and be prepared, prepare at home, no need to arrive hours early. Be there at a normal time, just after preparations.

I get to my university early, but I don't go to the class that early! I usually go to the library before hand. I suggest you do too in the future! You'll have a chance to read over some of the class material and prepare yourself for what's ahead.

So maybe ask yourself why she is concerned that you're unable to grasp simple concepts like time and place and try to prove to her that you can handle those things? ;)

Mimic her tone and intonation while talking to her. Apparently, it helps you connect with your interlocutor.

Students who show up 10 minutes late for class are less irritating that those who show up two hours early.

Arriving late can be disruptive to the rest of the class. As long as the classroom isn't reserved during those two prior hours, I don't see how sitting in the classroom early would be irritating.

Yes, when you don't fix typos that can make people think you're an idiot.

You purposely got there early* I hope that you are taking an English course.