By fuckmylife - 02/02/2010 20:30 - United States

Today, I had to explain to my son that his dad was too busy in a raid on World of Warcraft to be at his award ceremony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 437
You deserved it 39 384

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Gum_fml 0

a man who loves WoW more than family shouldn't have one to begin with.

you'll be singing cat's in the cradle someday...


my dad has the same problem, but with dungens and dragons online. someone please correct my spelling... epic fail

umm it's horde retard. not hoard. fyl hoard kid.

perdix 29

The dad sucks if the awards ceremony was the Grammys. The dad is OK if he skipped one of those gay Eagle Scout things. You can't trust an organization that sends men and boys out in the woods together and has a rank called the Webolos (you what?!?!) Plus, the fact that they are virulently anti-gay just proves it! ;)

killabee 0

I was thinking the same thing. "award ceremony" is vague. My middle school once wanted me to invite my parents to an award ceremony for my great achievement in penmanship. Boo.

The "gay" Eagle Scout ceremony the son would have spent hundreds or thousands or hours attaining over a course of many, many years? The same Eagle Scout rank that will be on his resume when he's fifty and will greatly improve the chance he has of getting a good job? The ceremony that will be one of the high points of his life that far? Yeah, WoW's definitely more important.

at #102 everyone knows eagle scouts are totally lame! your just sticking up for them because your camp leader bent you over the nearest fallen oak and bummed the bejesus out of you!!

Warlord708 0

ok, most award ceremonies from school are stupid, and litterally everyone gets one. if it was graduation or another important milestone, then the lich king can wait to get pwnd another day.

Actually, I'm a girl. I just know quite a few young men who are working towards or have just received their Eagle Scout rankings and I know that it's a huge freaking deal in their lives. Their fathers usually have to play some role in that, too, so the father would know how important it was to his son. No matter if you think Eagle Scouts are lame or not (and that might not even be what OP was referring to), being a good-for-nothing dad like that is lamer.

> Actually, I'm a girl. Never trust someone on the internet who claims to be a girl. There are no girls on the internet!

donquijote 0

World first raids are serious biz

Pearljammer001 0

I say fail!!! I don't get what is so asdictinf about tht game I'm a male who's played it and found nothing special about it at all so fail and I'm srry to the liitlun and mom

At first I thought it was the dad posting, but I realised the OP is a female... But yeah, FYL OP... I've played WoW just once and although I think it's somewhat of a good game, I still don't see what causes people to get addicted to such an extent.  In my opinion, it's perfectly fine to have a family and play MMOs at the same time, but the person needs to learn about boundaries. Who the **** cares if you're in some sort of dungeon/raid...if something important IN REAL LIFE pops up, then get the **** off your chair.