By fuckmylife - 02/02/2010 20:30 - United States

Today, I had to explain to my son that his dad was too busy in a raid on World of Warcraft to be at his award ceremony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 437
You deserved it 39 384

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Gum_fml 0

a man who loves WoW more than family shouldn't have one to begin with.

you'll be singing cat's in the cradle someday...


wazdog 4

Makes me wonder how long the OP's had an account to have a name like that.

cutiepeye 0

lol, yea I love wow, but kids come first. but I got my kids playin too. they love it and it's a great way to spend time together on a snowy/rainy day. FOR THE HORDE!!!!!

My hubby and I both play wow, but thank god we both know when to stop, and aren't addicted like that. FYL, and **** your sons life. I think you need to have a good long talk to your husband about boundaries, and how REAL LIFE is so much more important then a raid.

I will admit, I am a wow addict, but whenever real life takes precidence, I am off. your husband is just a giant tool.

Pearljammer001 0

If your husband isn't able to distinguish between his duties as a parent and a computer game, perhaps he doesn't deserve to be a parent. Bad parenting messes a kid up. I suggest giving him an ultimatum before it messes up your son. Either world of warcraft goes, or you and your son do.

Shadow_Phantom 26

Or... he could just moderate his WoW playtime a bit more.

there will be more awards..the item u need drops to night.. lol

Maybe he just couldn't be arsed. **** him, why should his kid take precedence? His mom was there and he's a big boy now, I'm sure he'll recover.

regenzie 0

FYL to the man. He needs a family who understands his interests. I'm sure you losers wouldn't have your panties in such a bunch if it was any other hobby. Also, way to insult a game that has over 11million players. You honestly think your comments about it being "stupid" are true? It's a fun game, and there is a TON to do. Ceremonies are terribly boring, so grats to the father for not being whipped by the female and doing what he enjoys. I play everyday and I even play more than my husband, but at least he understands that it kinda makes me who I am.

poeticpunk77 0

#134, I can't wait to see how YOUR kids will turn out... I used to play WoW, but I also know what my priorities are. Hence why I don't play anymore. OP, sorry your husband bailed on your son. I hope he wasn't too upset over his father choosing a video game before him. :/

regenzie 0

#142 You assume I will have kids. The guy probably didn't want them either, but his wife bugged him endlessly. Too many couples have kids that shouldn't.

saranottelling 7

I'm pretty sure his wife didn't want to go to the ceremony either. She went because it was important to her son. Sometimes, people should put aside what they enjoy doing for a few hours to be there for their family, especially their children! I'm sure he could have just picked up his game (just like every other hobby) after the ceremony. Kids like those ceremonies because it makes them feel special, it's horrible the father missed something that could have made his son happy for a game.

CyclonePsycho 1

"I'm sure you losers wouldn't have your panties in such a bunch if it was any other hobby." Yeah, we would. Sometimes your hobbies have to take a backseat to your family. Sometimes you have to suffer through boring ceremonies. You can't always have it your way.

hey #134 maybe if you laid off the world of bumcraft for a while you might be able to rid your face of thoes gigantic bags under your eyes! bahahaha!!

regenzie 0

Yeah 152 assume I'm a fat, ugly, lazy person just like everyone else assumes. Being irresponsible isn't a requirement of playing WoW. I get my sleep, I work around the house, I exercise and I eat healthy. Just because you don't know how to balance fun hobbies with real life things doesn't mean nobody else can.

134: You may not have kids, but if you're willing to say that your desire to play a game, stupid or not, is more important than your sons happiness, keep it that way. You do not deserve to procreate. OP: I'm sorry your husband is an arrogant shit-head. My father was never there for me, which led to my mom being there for all of my Cub Scouts functions as a kid. You support your kid and be there for him. Somebody needs to.

regenzie 0

How dare you say I don't DESERVE to have children. I acknowledge the fact that my enjoyment doesn't fit the needs of a child. I don't think ANYONE who has to FORCE themselves to participate in their child's life should have one.

What kind of social retard would rather play WoW than raise a family? I hope you and your non existent husband enjoy each others company as you sit in separate rooms hunched over gravy splattered keyboards whilst you lives flash before your eyes.

so you define yourself in terms of an online role-playing game? that's really sad. :(

poeticpunk77 0

Not wanting kids doesn't justify being a shitty father.

regenzie 0

No, I don't want children because I see how corrupt the world is and I understand just how expensive they are. Nobody that has children now understands the commitment that comes with them. Me and my husband have a relationship you will never be able to understand. Continue to be close minded and enjoy your divorce in the future. I choose to play a game instead of going out and partying like anybody who is "social" would do. I'm faithful unlike the good majority. If you think I'm missing out on my life you are deeply mistaken.

Warlord708 0

go regen... at other dumbasses, how's about you lay off most of north America, and stop having 4 children a piece because it's screwing everyone else over... overpopulation much? it's called exponential growth, not that you know what that means.

CyclonePsycho 1

"Nobody that has children now understands the commitment that comes with them." Are you sure? That's a pretty broad assumption on the world at large. There's nothing wrong with not wanting children (I don't want the little buggers either), but when you do have them, you have to own up to your responsibility. Should the guy just not participate in the kid's life just because he didn't want him in the first place? That's just shitty.

#195 But you are also way too young to understand the things you are saying. In some years, you'll look back and feel really stupid.

I wish I knew you IRL. You seem to have views deeply mirroring my own, you however seem to be much more eloquent in making your points. I agree completely to be honest.

guarantee the OP's husband is main tank or another very important role. raid days are scheduled in advance. and for any guild are set days. regenize is right. daddy isn't going to be there on tuesday nights, but he'll be there every day his guild isn't raiding. not going to an awards ceremony doesn't make this guy a bad parent. if my dad said hey, i'm not gonna make it to your 8th grade award ceremony, i'd be cool with it. stop giving this guy a hard time. i'm sure nobody in the family cares but his wife. she sounds like a bitch

I mean regenize by the way, since that post could of been interpreted in may ways.

regenzie 0

Thanks for the compliment Ascaryrobot. It's nice to see there are still people out there who are still capable of thinking on their own.

Indeed, meeting people who don't mind operating outside of the social norm is certainly pleasant.

Regenzie I don't understand why you're defending WoW so much. It's just a game, and I have no problem with people playing online and having it as a hobby or whatever, but I believe everything in the world has it's limit. If you had a kid and where proud of him/her you would go to (or at least tried) an Award ceremony. I would go to those boring things if it was for one of my friends/cousins/ anyone close really! It's not something super important, but it means to the kid, and if my dad told me he couldn't go I'd be okay, as long as it was some work or emergencies and stuff like that. But he was playing WoW, and kids get sensitive, that boy probably feels unimportant to his father now. I don't know why your mind is so clogged up with thinking WoW is more important than family.

Yeah, this. At 20yo you're just a kid yourself, regenzie. You sound like a nice person, but not wanting kids because the world is "too corrupt" just makes you look silly. No offence. :-)

You're right, how dare anyone have a differening opinion or set of values to yourself. What the **** is the world thinking? How dare we not share your view?

The point is, he missed out on his sons "award ceremony" for a WoW raid. And I actually play a lot of MMO's btw, but I'd have a problem with it if it was any hobby. It's just sad.

#498 Regenzie's defending WoW just like anyone would defend a hobby they really enjoyed. Try telling a crazed football fan that football's "just a game". They'd probably headbutt you in the face.

You're really saying it's a bad thing to play games and to not have children? Seeing as MMO games are fun and children are expensive, a huge responsibility, and the world is sickly overpopulated as it is. Yea, she'll sure look back and regret /those/ decisions. At least she said she's faithful to her partner.

Um, 178, watch what you say before you say it. Whether it's from experience coming from broken homes or lack of interest, some of us know we aren't cut out for raising kids, and we'd certainly not risk trying to do so and failing miserably, unlike some people who think they can do the job, then whine about it later on when it gets difficult and ignore their responsibilities. I've heard so many sob stories from so many friends-turned-parents that thought it'd be nice to (or just felt like they could) be responsible for another human being when it was clear from the get-go that they could barely take care of themselves, only to find themselves tearing their hair out from lack of freedoms and thankless work put into raising the kid. Some just don't have interest in raising kids, much like your lack of interest in playing video games. For example, I could call you an obsessive diaper sniffer for being interested in raising kids, but I won't, because I respect your interests. Maybe you should do the same for others instead of complaining at people who don't share your personal beliefs.

drunastunamazing 0

ydi! why choose to be with someone who does nothing but play with WOW!? that your bad!