By cnd1213 - 30/12/2015 18:02 - United States

Today, I had to do my assistant manager's job because she doesn't know what the hell she is doing. I'd interviewed for this position but didn't get it because I'm "still too new for this position." FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 050
You deserved it 1 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments


This is when you sit back and let her fail

This is your chance to shine OP! If you can demonstrate that you are capable of doing the job then HR will eventually see the light, see that the new assistant manager is not working out and this puts you in a prime position to take over since you are already familiar with the position and responsibilities. Unless HR are too dim witted to breathe, in which case your're screwed and probably should look for work elsewhere before they screw up spectacularly and the company sinks faster than the Titanic.

Before anyone points it out, yes i'm aware that I put too many R's in you're. I noticed the typo after hitting submit but had connection issues at that very moment so ran out of time to edit before things came good again.

I feel your pain... it is happening with me as well.

Sounds like the whole place is filled with dumbasses...

Gearboss 6

If they're not paying you to do the job don't do it and just let things get ****** up. They want you to do the job they gotta give you the pay.

Well this is a good opportunity, op! Prove youre more than qualified and youll get what you deserve! You can do it, op!!