By I hate retail - 27/11/2015 02:26 - Australia - Kensington

Today, I had to carry a 25kg bag of cement to an elderly customer's car because she refused to use a cart. "You're paid to work, so I'm gonna make you work." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 453
You deserved it 3 229

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Carts are meant to convey goods from one point to other. OP could have used that time and effort elsewhere. That was unfair.


I also live in Victoria, you have ever right to tell her that you refuse to serve her. I've worked in retail for 7 years. Also you are not required to carry anything over 20kg on the fact it can ruin your back without a brace. Next time tell her politely "I'm sorry, but I cannot do what you are asking without a cart for my own personal safety. If you would like to argue this further I'm happy to give you your money back and you can go elsewhere." legally you're allowed to turn down any customer. Honestly, retail doesn't get paid enough to deal with her bullshit.

There is no actual law on how much you are allowed to lift. There is only a law that says your employer is not allowed to knowingly expose you to hazardous situations. So, if this lifting is a one-time thing, it is not illegal.

Hmm, you should have grabbed a cart anyway...

jcb805 11

25kgs dude. That's about 55lbs. Still not exceedingly heavy, but not exactly light either.

TreyA 10

Technically she's right but yeah you could've used a cart. Bitch.

Well she's not wrong if your working at a hardware store and she feels she can't lift something she is obliged to ask someone the comment wasn't needed though.

25kg bags are concrete, cement comes in 40kg bags. Clearly you're new to the building materials industry if you don't know that, or if you don't realize it IS your job to carry things.

uchihadesendent 14

OP I have back problems but even if you don't hauling things back and forth like that is tiring quickly.

That's only 50lbs. I carry that around 20 times a day on an average day at my job.. Sometimes two at a time.