By dumbfounded - 08/05/2016 12:14 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I had to calm down an angry customer who claimed one of my employees had "traumatized" her dog. Apparently her dog is really OCD and my employee didn't line up the dog bed at the right angle. She threatened to report us to the BBB. How do these morons even exist? FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 260
You deserved it 1 359

Same thing different taste

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Please ask her to define OCD to the supervisor, and when she can't even say what the disorder means it will severely help your case.

My roommate's dog will take a toy, place it in or next to his food dish, and won't eat until you throw the toy. Then he will eat one piece, retrieve the toy, lather rinse repeat. If you don't throw it, he will just whine and whine and whine. If that's not OCD, I don't know what is.


Tell that to the college kids who think free speech should be removed from the constitution because they don't like other opinions

I can imagine how it went: Customer: I demand to see your manager because you traumatized poor Fluffy! Employee: (is still measuring to get bed exactly aligned) Uh huh over there. Manager: What's wrong? Customer: Your idiotic employee can't align dog beds correctly and my very OCD dog Fluffybuttington has been traumatized! Manager: Exit is on the right past the dog food and the fish and reptiles.

Reminds me that scene in Malcolm in the Middle where the old lady doesn't want the plastic toy hot dog has mustard on it and Peek a Boo doesn't like mustard. In both scenarios I am willing to bet their owners of small dogs.

They just want something to complain about. Customer will whine and complain about anything they can find