By Marie - 08/06/2009 18:51 - United States

Today, I had a meeting at work with my board of directors for a potential promotion. When one of them told a joke, I politely let out an amused snort. Then, I noticed my director's white shirt and tie covered in red splatter. I nose bled all over the director of my company. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 450
You deserved it 4 793

Same thing different taste


justmyluck1212 0

okay squirt no more milkshakes 4 u

MsMegaroo 0

You shud have licked him and been like "I'm a VAMPIRE BITCH!!!!" lol

heatherrrx 0

#1: Said it all. OP: I used to get nose bleeds all the time because I had my adenoids removed as a kid but my blood always went down, not outward. Just doesn't seem right unless you thrusted forward as you snorted. But anyway, sucks or you.

how close were you guys sitting together?

atleast it wasnt yor vaginal blood, dont remind me

There isn't really any recovery from that, although this sounds too ridiculous to be true. Really, were you right on top of him?

ur nose is like a shotgun! except it doesnt need cocks... or does it!?

tennisgirly 0

#20 hahahah that scene is so funny hahaha