By KnightToucan - 21/06/2019 02:09

Today, I got written up at work over false accusations that I didn't do some safety tasks. The same tasks that were done before I had even arrived. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 601
You deserved it 141

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I mean then the people accusing you weren't technically wrong


I mean then the people accusing you weren't technically wrong

Are you sure they don't have to be repeated every week?

KnightToucan 18

Wow, made this last year and it's just now getting posted, lol. Also, I see it says I'm a guy. I am not. Anyhow, as a ride operator, we do safety checks every morning the amusement park opens. I dont remember exactly what happened when I made this post, but I will say this: theres more than one person on the crew capable of doing safety procedures. They're not designated to a single person, but to the anyone trained at the ride. It's not my fault if my coworker did safety checks before me. In fact, it's better that way if I were, say, going to get water. I've never been late to work, so being late wasn't the cause of the issue.