By yulis - 30/11/2013 19:21 - United States - Hagerstown

Today, I got pulled over on the highway for going over the speed limit. The cop seemed nice, and I was sure he'd let me off with a warning, until my husband piped up with, "Didn't think you folks came out this far. What, the donut store got shut down or some shit?" I got the ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 433
You deserved it 7 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time tell him to shutup before all the stupid comes out.

I'm sorry, OP. Maybe next time try not to speed or go over the limit. Just pay your ticket before it gets higher.


it hits everybody hard when small family run businesses close, the cop probably knew the owner of the donut shop

No, he was making fun of the cop for either being heavy-weighted or because of the stereotype.

THANK YOU! I could not for the life of me remember how to spell that haha

I think the Dothraki punishment is appropriate here. Tie him to the back of the car and make him walk home.

Any game of thrones punishment is good with me.

I'd smack him over the head and tell him to keep it shut. That must've been frustrating especially since the cop was being polite.

skittyskatbrat 19 least you weren't in New Mexico when it happened :P

I guess no one else saw that news story. A 14 hour rectal search may have been more warranted in this instance, for educational purposes.

MyUsernameKatie 31

He's probably heard it a thousand times over. Cops find it disrespectful and irritating being looked down on and made fun of for keeping dumbasses like the OP's husband safe because it's their job

Axel5238 29

Sorry OP, some people don't get sometimes you keep your mouth shut or he just doesn't care. Either way I'd speak with him about that. Sounds like something a dumb college kid would've said to a cop thinking it was funny.

Good joke at the wrong flippen time. Your husband should learn to think before he talks. Sorry OP. Make your husband pay the ticket

ZY1431 24

I'd slap the crap outta him for being stupid, then make him pay the ticket.