By WTF? - 03/10/2013 16:42 - United States - Albuquerque

Today, I got kicked out of English class shortly after our teacher told us we have to write an essay on how the storyline of Harry Potter is one big allegory for "the futility of socialism." Apparently, reacting with disbelief makes me a "disruptive influence." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 921
You deserved it 3 968

Same thing different taste

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Stupid teachers make me concerned for future generations.

This worries me... Shouldn't teachers praise students having opinions, instead of punishing for thinking?


The Harry potter series, if it must be assigned some kind of allegorical political category, is anti-fascist...having read the series about a million times since they began publishing (and with a rare chance to use my English degree) I can't think of anything that really addresses socialism at all, symbolic or otherwise. What a stupid assignment. I'd take that one up with a higher authority. Idk how old you are, but assuming you're in high school, you'll want your parents to back you on this one. The point of educators is to teach students how to think, as other commenters have stated. Dunno why your teacher wants a load of essays on the same logically flawed topic.

TheDrifter 23

Perhaps the teacher means to refer to the fascist modeled implementation of modern socialist systems? At the core the two are very similar in modern practice, disregarding of course the corporatist versus governmental origin of the ruling elite. Both demand submission to the system, both crack down on dissenting voices within the population and both require an ever increasing portion of the wealth of the population be diverted to them for redistribution.

simple solution OP - review 1984 by George Orwell and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, replace the terms inner party and alpha class with wizards and the terms proletariat and epsilon, gamma with muggle

Socialism as it is defined is the promotion of general welfar by the sharing of Economic hardship or plenty... But the political aspect expects all the fall in line with what is expected that even if you push hard to excel your reward for said determination and hard work is the same as a person who won't work for their food. It is a system that promotes mediocrity because of there is no additional reward for extra work why put in the effort. The problem with this system as with communism is that when there are corrupt individuals at the top it all falls to pieces, look at Cambodia, the systematic murder of all with education and motivation because they are the most likely to resist the corruption

Do you know that there are also DEMOCRATIC socialist government that were not ot are not trying to kill all the elite? like in wetern europe for example....

TheDrifter 23

True, many democratic socialist nations simply confiscated increasing amounts of their earnings until they too were of mediocre means or they fled the country and still others kept a small wealthy elite to support the government while instituting policy to ensure their dominance could not be challenged.

kyu_Q 19

a better assignment would have been to prove or refute the theory that the series was an allegory to socialism. then assign some persons that will support and others to rebute or rebutt the arguement. Then have a debate. That's way if OP was selected to support the arguments he/she would have had to actually think and read the books. That teachers name might be Umbridge.

Harry Potter is about death. That is why J.K. wrote it. There is nothing more really.

I think that the teacher is helping you develop a valuable skill: the art of BS. It's not pleasant, but learning how to argue passionately for topics you couldn't care less about will take you far in today's society. So make up some arguments that ignore the fact that HP is a children's book designed to make money, suppress whatever emotions you feel towards the series, and explain how Rowling claims that The Power Of Love will triumph over socialism.

YDI for defying your teacher and disrupting the class. I wouldn't blame her. Harry Potter is for losers anyways. She's trying to save your education buddy