By Gilan - 06/04/2015 00:59 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I got hit by a car. Not a real one, though; my sister thought it would be funny to take her RC car and smash it over my head as hard as she could. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 035
You deserved it 2 404

Gilan tells us more.

So a follow up. Once my head felt better I did buy her a new one. I do see a few asking what I did to deserve this. She's only three and didn't realize there would be any consequences, only thinking it would be funny. The only thing I can think of doing to even possibly deserve it is I told her she needed to stop running around yelling. But nah, all's well now I guess

Top comments

Well your head will heal but her car is probably broken now, we will see who comes out the real winner

ColonelCusswords 24

At least she didnt hit you with a real car as hard as she could. You wouldnt even be able to post this


It could've been a real car, then things would be serious

PePziNL 20

Yeah it always sucks getting hit over the head with a real car

I hope you took it back from her and hit her back! Unless she's like 4, in which case a time out and toys taken away should suffice.

Sounds like you're the older sibling. Take her cars from her and tape them to the ceiling where she can't reach them until she apologizes.

Its an accident whether its toy car or real car. Better call saul

karcummings 19

what model?? hope it wasn't w good one..

jtfb619 13

At least it wasn't a old school Big Metal Tonka truck. My baby brother did that to my sister when we were little.

Knowing that you guys are siblings, you probably did something to deserve this, and just came here for sympathy.

I don't know how much you've worked with kids, but they can be real *****. Kind of a dick move to assume he deserved it. We don't know the whole story. This needs a follow up.

I've been hit more than once with an rc car. Almost broke my ankle one of the times. I know how much they hurt. Your sister is wacked :(