By stupiddddddd - 08/07/2009 07:28 - United Kingdom

Today, I got further with a guy than I've ever before. By that, I mean I got his phone number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 638
You deserved it 9 035

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hotbabemagnet 0

Wish I've even got that far... :)

Are you sure it was HIS phone number and not one of those fake ones? Just gotta be sure =)


adamdrinkslots 0

Look at the website '' sometime. Pretty good stuff.

lmfaowww 0

Don't get how this is an FML. Stop complaining. :|

haha thats the furthest ive gotten too!! :L ... but i am only 12 ... :P

stop lying we all know what 12yr olds do :P

MR95allstar 0

dude ive gotten so much further and im young WOW!!

good for you. that's a very important point to "start" a relationship lol, go further now. how old are you though? i still voted fyl since that does unfortunately suck. it's not really your fault but you should be more confident than that but really depending on how old you are.

ohxberlin 0

and my FMLs don't get on here, wtf.

That, in itself, is an FML, my friend.

Hey, you got a number. rock on. Considering the girl who posted next not only DIDN'T get the number but also that the guy stole her phone, I'd say you've come out ahead.

candii_fml 0

ummm congratss on da number gurll?? (:

Come now, you must have other guys' phone numbers. Even if you totally fail at relationships and dating, you exchange phone numbers with friends, heck, even business acquaintances.