By someone72 - 22/03/2010 23:20 - United States
Top comments
I have 0 friends too, it's as bad as you would think.
being a loner is great sometimes
Yeah I'm pretty sure that's happened to everyone. They just won't admit it!! :P
lol yep happens to me all the time xD
I did, BrisingrSverdar. I was going to comment on it, but then I got distracted by the ornamental penis opportunity. And I feel my phone vibrate just before it does.
#12, you didn't coin that term. It's been used before on the news and elsewhere.
Haha, don't worry: when you do get lots of phone calls and texts, the phantom vibrations don't stop! They're fun :-)
if you don't have any friends you can never fall out ;) alway look in the bright side of life....
#11 that's true but I think it's best when you have a choice. and op use the Internet or join some kind of group
So it's not only me?
not. term coined long ago in a galaxy far far away.
Damn, same thing happens to me too. Oh, woe is me, for I am the lamest of the lame. :P
Yea me too hahaha.
awww that does suck :( fyl.
I will be your friend !
yeah that's happened to me before..
Hah, I've had the sensation of my phone vibrating when it really wasn't too. I, however, didn't link a subconscious motive to it. Sorry you don't have anyone who wants to talk to you :(
aww. :( i always get the phantom vibe. ugh. i wish it was actually someone calling so i wouldnt feel so stupid when i jerk in surprise when i feel it vibrate.
i hear the ring on my phone but it ends up bein the TV and i flip and answer my phone even tho no one is calling.. then i realize no ones there and ... luckily it only happens weekdays when i dont even get to use my phone haha still tho.. sucks for you=
aww that's really sad...
You also subconsciously capitalized the word "into". I'm sure that indicates some kind of repressed sexual desire. What are you trying to get "into" OP?
No, you do OK by yourself. (couldn't resist)
idk y but I laughed at this
nena i like ur smile

haha but OP, don't worry, happens to me all the time, probably cause I'm a dumb **** :/
The pic is awful, just awful. Awful drawing, interpretation, and execution.