By Yeah - 24/10/2014 05:02 - United States - El Paso

Today, I got approached by a lady while eating at a fast-food restaurant who asked if I could spare five dollars. Confidently, I pulled out my wallet to show her that I had no cash, only to reveal a perfectly crisp five dollar bill that I had completely forgotten about. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 154
You deserved it 17 811

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could've just said no in the first place, without showing her your wallet.

Life's not so bad when you can forget you have money in your wallet.


Shouldn't give those people the time of day, ydi for even taking the time to pull out ur wallet

Maybe this lady truly needed it and Dog worked for her through you.

Seams to me he played a game and lost. pay up is to me the only thing to do. you would have to be a real dick to show someone the money and say no.

Never take out your wallet like that, never know if the beggar (for lack of a more PC word) or some criminal masquerading as a bystander will attack you and take the wallet out of your hand.

Why is this a FML, is it a bad thing that op was able to do a basic kindness for another human being

ShannonBitt 29

He could've said that's all the money he has and he needs it

You do realize you don't have to prove that you don't have money to anyone, right? Plus like others have mentioned, it can be dangerous to just pull your wallet out around strangers who could potentially want to rob you. Next time just politely (but firmly) say no!

I don't like people like that I get they don't have money but its not like I can just go around giving money I need it for things to

It's ok,sometimes we can be forgetful. I hope you gave it to her, though.

rocker_chick23 27

OP doesn't have to give it to her. That could be OP's last $5 until his next paycheck.

incoherentrmblr 21

I wish I could pull that ironic magic trick. I'd have a costanza wallet by the end of the day...