By Sally - 22/08/2011 00:17 - United States

Today, I got a spray tan. The lady asked what shade I wanted to be, and joking, I said the darkest. She took it seriously. Now no one can recognize me, and I have work tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 897
You deserved it 69 396

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You deserved it for getting a spray tan. AND for saying the darkest. Don't worry I'm sure you'll fade to a pleasant shade of orange soon.

Yeah, you obviously didn't show you were joking. Your fault... I'm going to leave the fact you got a spray tan in the first place out of this.

CaitieKates 0

lemon juice.. scrub scrub scrub

bubo_fml 10

Look on the bright side...(heh heh!) You can audition for "The Color Purple" on Broadway!

Well, spray tan will kill's pretty much spray next time if you're going for straight black, just get a can of black spray paint, genius

YDI. She has to take it seriously. It's her job.

TKello 6

How is that a joke? She asked you a question, and you gave an answer. You got what you asked for...

Seriously your retarded, why would you joke about that YDI