By Rebecca2135 - 01/10/2018 22:05

Today, I gave a speech at a charity fundraiser. I didn't realize how close I was standing to the fan, which automatically went on. As soon as I said, "this is why you should pledge," my dress flew up. I then learned how quickly phones can take pictures and emails of my underwear can be sent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 551
You deserved it 354

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is it technically upskirting if the fan was the reason people could see your underwear? Either way, those people are a disgrace.


Is it technically upskirting if the fan was the reason people could see your underwear? Either way, those people are a disgrace.

tounces7 27

And these are the sort of people at a charity fundraiser?

Even worse if it was a charity to help women who are victims of sexual abuse.

bodino 6

Sounds like the audience was a bunch of boys, pre-puberty.

Rook 1

At least she WORE underwear.

Oh, you were wearing underwear? I guess you “blew” your chance to make real money. Or... Had you gone commando, I’m sure the phone lines would’ve “blown” up.

Did a lot of people pledge afterwards?

PenguinPal3017 19

I'm sure that everyone was blown away!

Hahaha that super sucks I’m sure phones would’ve blown up if u wore nothing at all