By jj159 - 25/02/2012 18:40 - United States

Today, I found out that the money my husband and I gave to my son for university courses, has instead been spent on pole dancing lessons. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 097
You deserved it 3 761

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ZombieLoveA 0

Aha... Well... At least he's fit and in great shape now.!


Don't worry with these lessons, he'll be able to pay you back soon :)

Maybe the university courses were pole dancing?

I didn't know many men took those. Maybe he's trying to tell you something...

aaeeeooowwww 6

He'll b able to make the money back...

Are there male pole dancers? Probably only a handful. High demand, low supply means high prices. He will make that money back in no time!

thebaconweave 0

Hey at least it's not like my friends parents his brothers money that he received was spent on weed.

OsirisFaction_fml 5

Well it should be okay. A artillery usually makes a few grand a night.

Maddchapps 0

Hmm. Lying about paying for college courses is kinda bad. But he'll be making more than half of what college grads make so you paid to better his life still! If he's good at it at least. Tough job! Lol

I think people should pay for their own schooling but if parents help then they should pay the school directly. Kids are 17? when they start higher education, it in unreasonable to expect them to be mature.