By Cult - 30/03/2014 14:27 - United States - Glenside

Today, I found out that my favorite band logo is no longer being used by said band because of copyright issues. I have this logo tattooed on my body. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 325
You deserved it 57 494

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chocolatefrog28 29

But now you have a permanent part of their history, and it doesn't decrease your appreciation for the band. It's not that bad.


Get the new logo in addition, you can claim to be an old fan then.

It doesn't matter that they changed the logo, it doesn't even matter if you don't ever listen to them in a few years time. A tattoo symbolises who you were when you got it, and it might be in the past, but THAT doesn't change. Wear it with pride! :)

Well, atleast getting a tattoo of your favorite band, even though they changed their logo is better than getting a tattoo of your face. Like Steve-O

martin8337 35

Could be worse, you could have been stupid enough to had a tattoo of a swastika.

I don't know why people are making it seem like he doesn't like that tattoo anymore and are saying "You should of put more time into thinking before you got it done." He didn't know it was copyrighted.

But like you'll look at it like "aww yeah I remember" it's ok!

and this is why people look down on people with tatoos, because they do not show good decision making skills.

Well that's a load of rubbish! Tattoos are a form of self expression, and nobody except the person getting it have the right to an opinion on said tattoo, providing it's not abusive or rude! "Look down on people with tattoos"? Really? How narrow minded.

Your pedestal needs some adjusting #159.

So what? you love that logo and have it on your body. still doesn't change your appreciation for that band.

Everyone in Bayside has the bird tattooed on them too

Has anyone gone and looked at the logo? I didn't know what it was before, and I think it makes for a very nice tattoo. It's a bird! People get generic bird tattoos every day this one is gorgeous and has meaning!