By Anonymous - 30/01/2012 17:28 - United States

Today, I found out that in conclusion to working five nights in a row, I'm scheduled to work the night shift on Valentine's day with my ex-boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 134
You deserved it 3 858

gingerleigh tells us more.

it's not a full time job. It's my 2nd job. I'm also in school. I'm not working all 5 nights with him, just 2 including the last, but it's still going to be extreme an extreme over load of work.

Top comments

Maybe Cupid will come along and things will work out great. Or you end up having sex for memories' sake. Or it's just going to be awkward. Who knows?! Only one way to find out. Or, since it's only Valentine's Day in two weeks, you could ask a co-worker to switch shifts? I'd pick a single one if I were you ;)


Maybe Cupid will come along and things will work out great. Or you end up having sex for memories' sake. Or it's just going to be awkward. Who knows?! Only one way to find out. Or, since it's only Valentine's Day in two weeks, you could ask a co-worker to switch shifts? I'd pick a single one if I were you ;)

UpsidedownKayak 9

Sex, sex, sex, is that all you think about? Stop thinking with your flower penis!

It is; I'm a nymphomaniac. How did you think I perfected my pornographic gaze?!

UpsidedownKayak 9

I don't know how you perfected it but it was magical and I want some more, even though I feel like a squeezed purple chipmunk. I think I am developing an addiction but they don't have Pornographic gazers Anonymous. I am so screwed.

SexiiForever 0

I agree you life is fu*cked!

LightningLadyy 0

The Hash Slinging Slasher.... O.o Edit: this is a reply to #2. It messed up. Real shocker.

perdix 29

If he dumped you, then maybe it's your chance to get him back (even if it's just for a night of pity sex.) On the other hand, if you dumped him, then this could be your chance to admit you were wrong about him and bring him back into your life. In any case, Valentine's Day is a money-making scam of the greeting card, chocolate, jewelry and flower industries! You should treat your lover special every day, and if you only make the effort a few times a year, prepare to be taken for granted, neglected, dumped and/or cheated on.

purplestar16 0

oh dude that sux !!!!! your right FYL!!