By Anonymous - 20/03/2012 15:37 - United States - Raleigh

Today, I found out my roommate spits the mouthwash back into the bottle after he gargles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 072
You deserved it 2 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As long as it isn't a communal bottle of mouthwash, you're probably fine. If it is, WHY THE **** ARE YOU SHARING MOUTHWASH?


Hey... He was just trying to save you guys money by making it last twice as long. Yeah... OK, ewwww!

Draven69 6

How'd you find that out in the first place? O.o Like did you see him doing it or something? Either way, that's awful...

heavynnicole 1
chels1994 11

Buy your own and hide it....good

iraqvet0405 1

Now every time I turn the mouth wash bottle up I will wonder HMMMMMN

Well, do you share it? I am assuming yes since you posted this but YDI for sharing it.

You're either lying or completely and utterly stupid. After spitting back mouthwash into TE bottle just once, it turns all bubbly and whitish.

I just threw up in my mouth, it's ok though, I have my own mouthwash.