By Shopgirl - 06/08/2009 13:14 - Australia

Today, I found a wallet on the train. I called the owner, who said he would come around and pick it up. When he finally did, he looked inside and screamed that his money was missing, and that I was a dirty thief. I never took a cent. He's filing theft charges against me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 428
You deserved it 4 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uhg, I hate these kind of people, you try to help them out but then they have to go and be ass holes about it. FYL

I would tell him go ahead and file charges- he didn't SEE you take the money, which you didn't, and he can't prove it. End of story. This is why people don't do nice things anymore- cuz it bites them in the butt.


ehhh not even that bad, any normal human being would beleave that u simply found the wallet and that the money had already been stollen, why the hell would a theif give back the mans wallet, just stupid and i hope his wallet gets stollen again for being such a ***** face

his word against yours wouldn't hold up in court. if you didn't return it he wouldn't get any money, and even if you did steal he would still get some.

Next time bring it to a police station or whatever the transit authority is. Let them deal with it and don't get involved.

oh_mi_shizzle 0

what a flipping /jerk/! he should appreciate the fact that you were trying to be courteous... I mean, really, what is up with people now? yeah FYL for getting the opposite of what you deserve... and I really doubt they can prove you stole the money... good luck though... props for at least /trying/ to be nice. :) *gives two thumbs up*

FYL, but you should prevail. No witnesses, no proof, just his accusations. The charges will probably be thrown out, even if the police don't laugh in his face when he tries.

YDI for returning the wallet. **** being a good person. you get hosed, if you didn't notice.

wow, what a douche. if you had actually stolen his money why would you have tried to return the wallet? most thiefs arent that dumb.

ryanr21 0

@11 who the hell does that? if you actually look in the wallet, then youre obviously more concerned with the money then being a good person. duh