By Anonymous - 11/04/2009 03:40 - United States

Today, I finally decided to get a dog. I have always been wanting to get one ever since I was a child. I bought a $1,400 Golden Retriever. I went out for lunch a few hours later with a friend, so I left my dog in the backyard. I came back home to a broken fence and no dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 860
You deserved it 64 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why didn't you tie it up? If it was a new pet, you don't know how it's going to react. YDI for not making sure it was secure!

dont have kids, please you cant even take care of a dog...


Serves you right for buying a dog when millions are dying in shelters. If that weren't bad enough, only a total moron would leave any dog outside along--especially a new dog whose personality you don't know. Congratulations--you supported a cruel industry and made it possible for a dog to either starve to death, get hit by a car or, best case, end up in a tiny shelter crate.

claiireee1 0

karma, for buying a $1,400 dog. idiot

Why would you pay $1400 for a Golden Retriever? I didn't think they were especially expensive, unless one of its parents was a prize-winning showdog or something... I think you got gypped.

A multitude of failures here. 1) Why did you buy a 1400 dollar dog? 2) Why did you leave it untied in your garden?

Oriina 0

Golden retrievers are best known for their abilities to escape~ I should know. Ours loves to sneak out of the yard, but since she's tied up she can't go far. You sort of deserve it. If you /just/ got that dog you always wanted, why not stay home and play with it or something? If I just got a dog, I'd want to stay with it ... Plus, why not at least put a collar on it and tie it up to a tree for a bit with some food/water in reach? And $1400 for a gold retriever? Geez... Must be some expensive purebred ... ...

tweetspie 0

ydi for leaving the dog in the backyard alone

okay, so you buy a dog and leave it alone on his first day in a new place? totally agree with #192. besides, come on, there are lots of homeless dogs out there.. $1400, seriously??!!

zeGeaman 0

ur must be retarded, full of shit or most likely both

This is disgusting, as are the comments defending you. You and those people obviously know nothing at all about caring for an animal. You don't deserve a dog for too many reasons to mention. I hope that dog finds someone who knows how to take care of it, poor thing.