By Hamden824 - 25/05/2016 20:04 - United States - Lakeland

Today, I felt an itch on my neck. naturally, I scratched it. After about 5 minutes of scratching, I realized that I've been scratching a dead fly on the back of my neck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 320
You deserved it 1 237

Hamden824 tells us more.

Hey guys! OP here. So happy this got published! And to clear this up, the fly felt like a bump, that's why I kept scratching. Love your comments though! Keep them coming!

Top comments

ryand82 11

You scratched for 5 minutes before figuring out it was a fly?

Can we call you the Lord of the Flies???


ryand82 11

You scratched for 5 minutes before figuring out it was a fly?

Can we call you the Lord of the Flies???

I am the lord. Lord of the Flies! Sure you can call me that. :D

"Today I sat on a person's neck and suddenly they attacked me with their sharp nails. They kept stabbing my dead body for 5 minutes. FML"

mariri9206 32

Such scratch, very sharp, so long, much wow.

I don't see why people are disliking you. I guess these normies haven't an idea what a meme is.

mariri9206 32

Aw, thank you, 11! They can thumbs down me all they want, though, because it does not bother me. The day I let people who thumbs down me bother is really the day I should just get off the internet. XD And I love the doge meme - it's the best!

Cerebral_Origami 5

At the bump I scratch, For five minutes I scratch it, Bump is fly, Dead Fly.

mariri9206 32

Ew, ew, ew! I'm gonna fly away from here! But, seriously, that really sucks, OP!

That's quite a lot of time you spend on scratching.

... How did it stay on for so long? I'd imagine a dead fly would fall off with the slightest movement.

Wizardo 33

That fly is now a dead, sorted.

Oh. Horrendous. Did you die because of it? I would.

Just reading that gave me chills. I'd have felt the creepy-crawly sensation all day after something like that. Ugh.