By Anonymous - 27/07/2009 09:38 - United States

Today, I drove six hours with a friend to see one of her favorite bands in concert. We were turned away at the door because the online site didn't say we had to be 21 to enter. I drove six hours back with nothing to show for it but an empty gas tank and useless tickets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 593
You deserved it 9 413

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why didn't you jus sell them to someone quickly?

gracieroxursox 3

I don't know if you noticed, but OP specified that there was nothing about the age restriction on the website...


novella0013 0

thats what fake IDs are for :) lol, but no seriously, that suckss :(

YDI for being young and for listening to music. Ugly ******

YDI for being young and for listening to music. Ugly ******

Amphysvena 11

it's not up to the tickets to tell you the age requirements for a show. you have to take the time to look up the venue and make sure you're old enough.

what kind of shit band needs a 21 over requirment

islaphippos 0

plenty of bands better than slipknot sorry OP, your friend should give you some gas money

YDI, you should've called ahead or at least asked someone who went to the venue before. But I feel sorry for your friend.

I'm guessing this was the US because I have never heard of a big band's concert that's 21+, just crazy. Should have tried to sell the tickets though

star_ver 0

If you learned to read, you wouldn't have had to guess. I guess that would be too much to ask of you though. Moron.