By guriak - 14/07/2014 01:16 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, I decided to try something new with my boyfriend, and sexted him. My text ended up sounding so stupid that I panicked and quickly sent another saying "SORRY WRONG PERSON". FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 289
You deserved it 30 824

guriak tells us more.

Okay so I don't know if I'm doing this follow up thing correctly but he ended up seeing the post on FML figured it was me lol it's all good (:

Top comments

At the least you have this fml to prove that you're not cheating or anything


Dang, that just made things a 1,000 worse in my eyes .

llamaslikesoda 21

Well then you could have sent yet another text saying "sorry wrong person got the wrong person text"

If you said something like "what are you wearing?" I could see how you sent that to the wrong person. If it was "I want your dick" then that will be a tad bit harder to explain.

Gl Explaining that OP next time jist send ****.

Try the auto correct excuse next time

Sorry wrong person? That's even worse lol!