By thanksmum - 29/05/2010 17:39 - Germany

Today, I decided to take a nap before a big job interview at 6. I set two alarm clocks to make sure I didn't miss it, but I woke up at 5:59. As I'm scrambling in a panic to get out the door, my mom says calmly, "I took your alarm clocks out of your room because you looked really tired today." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 066
You deserved it 3 566

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Awe, how nice of her. You don't need a job anyway.

my moms the opposite, when i have to be up at 7, she wakes me up at 4 D: and with wake up, i mean door bashing and screaming.


kelsaaybaybayy 0

They always mean well. Then they always get upset when you get angry at them because they just 'meant well'. argh it's a vicious cycle. fyl also, not everyone gets groggy from naps, and they are actually refreshing and can help clear your mind

Its obvious that the OP's mother knew that she had alarms set for a reason, if she took them both out duh. She was looking out for her child's safety. She most likely knew about the important interview, but what is a job to a person that died because they fell asleep behind the wheel of their car or fell out in the streets due too lack of sleep. What mother wants too get a call like that? She lives with her parent(s), there is not much for her to worry about. If her mom cared enough to unplug her alarms, I'm sure her mother wont throw her out if she doesn't have the money to pay rent. (if she even has to pay rent)

Actually the mom was being a normal woman and not understanding the importance of anything and just acting on her woman's tuition

FlonkertonChamp 6

woman's tuition? i wasn't aware that you had to pay a fee to be a woman nowadays...

are you a mother ? if not then , shut the **** up. quit thaa fuckery with your bitchassness -.-

If she knew about the interview, she tried to keep you asleep on purpose. She doesn't want you to have a job, she doesn't want her baby growing up. Maybe go to your bedroom and lock the door next time. Hopefully she doesn't then shut the power off to the whole house just to stop your alarms.

just remind her of this next time she tells you to get out on your own and support yourself

... wow I think I might have lost my mind had my mom done that to me...

that's somthing my mom would do hahah oh how mothers are

Shit sucks OP, my mom deleted a voicemail once that costed me a job interview. FYL

Sarah_Smiley 4

Fail! hahahh Hope you find a new job. !(:

saylore770 0

damn meddling mothers! sometimes mom knows best but sometimes she just needs to mind her own damn business!! haha