By Anonymous - 17/11/2010 08:03 - United States

Today, I confessed to my best friend that I love him and always have. He whispered to himself, "Why do the fat chicks always want me?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 450
You deserved it 8 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't listen to him! he sounds stupid.. if you guys are friends he shouldn't say something like that : I sorry


wow, some people are so mean. for some people, its hereditary and have a hard time loosing weight. just because your over weight doesnt always mean you eat alot. being mean about someone "being fat" is just gonna ruin the poor girl. nô wonder people are so ****** up thèse days, everybody treats everyone with such disrespect.

Sonfang 19

I admire your answer. :) I agree with you!

HolleyChaRona 0

Deff agreed! Those are things that do ruin someones life. And 75% of tha time lead to death!

50, as a matter of fact No.. coz I don't surround myself with superficial people.. :)

My_Name_Sucks 2

Fat can be lost with proper diet and exercise, however, his shitty personality is going to stick with him for life.

bellaisabella 0

if he would be your best friend he would never said that his an ass

Egnar 19

Why is not liking fat girls a shitty personality trait? And why is he a jerk for stating the truth? It's no different than somebody disliking personality traits - Is someone an ass for disliking the fact that my humor is dry and sarcastic?. . .No. People are attracted to certain things and it just so happens that a large portion of people aren't attracted to excess weight - It's not their fault. A best friend is going to tell it like it is. . .He's not going to string her along with silly excuses that she'll neurotically think are the real reason for them not being together with high hopes for a future that'll never happen.

#61 He could have said that he doesn't have feelings for her in a different way, though. You can't condemn someone simply for not being attracted to girls who aren't super skinny, and I'm aware of that. But he could have said "I'm not attracted to you, sorry" instead of saying what he did. It's called have tact. He very well could have turned her down without saying it in the rude way that he did.

he didn't come out and say it. he whispered to himself. just was accidentally too loud. or the elephant has really good hearing, on account of the huge ears and all

#79 He may have been "whispering" to himself, but she was obviously sitting right there. I think it's obvious that he meant for her to hear it.

you weren't there. you can't know. I am basing my thoughts on the only facts we have. her words. as close to facts as we can have without video anyway

that's so sad, man. I mean him being your best friend and saying that straight to you, it would have been better if he just kept it to himself .

it would have been better if she kept it to herself. if she doesn't know what her "best friend" prefers, she didn't bother to find out. if that's her best friend, maybe she needs to consider finding out the basics about the rest of her friends, might save her some trouble

but its not her fault for loving him is it ? maybe she was too tire of keeping it too herself she decided to finally tell him. she cant really stop who she loves

true. but if she is gonna ignore info every best friend should know, she's just jumping in front of the train. in that case, she deserved it. if he was a chubby chaser and was harsh, different story