By the_lonely_life - 27/06/2013 01:02 - United States

Today, I cleaned up my brother's room, since he's moved out. Under the bed I found a Doritos bag full of used condoms. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 147
You deserved it 7 045

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Theres this machine that re-seals chip bags so I say you buy it, seal it, and mail it to him :)


Ewwww! Poor you! Same thing happened to me while cleaning out my brother in law's room! Except his used condoms were on the floor, literally glued on the floor

Mizzesbestie 13

Atleast he didn't use a glove....

TheyCallMeDamien 17

DATZ NASTY!!!! I'd punch him in the face next time I saw him!

Sounds like you've gotten yourself into a bit of a sticky situation.

Oxidation 5

Honestly, it's nasty, but at least he placed them all in one set place vs. scattering them around the room.