By nothappywithlife - 30/03/2009 21:34 - United States

Today, I checked my facebook, and my wife of 5 years was listed as single. I then write on her wall that it is ok to announce to be married. She writes back saying that we have to talk and to come to the kitchen. My wife divorced me over facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 528
You deserved it 43

Top comments

thats a real kick in the junk.facebook screws everyone over..

I had that happen when I was dating a douchebag once, but a MARRIAGE!?


Wao, that sucks. Next thing we now, someone gets married over facebook.

If this is real, I think she deserves having you write a Facebook Note detailing not only that but every other filthy thing she's done over the course of your relationship. See how she likes having it aired out there.

wow what a's pretty bad form to break up with anybody over facebook, even if yall have only been dating for a couple of weeks

hey guys guess what this isn't actually true (just sayin..)

I got an account just to comment on this... I don't find it improbable at all that the OP's wife essentially told him they were getting a divorce via Facebook. I know a girl whose parents both have Facebook, and when she logged on one evening, it said that they had ended their relationship. She found out her parents were divorcing via Facebook. No one called to tell her. To me it doesn't seem like a huge leap from that instance to people actually "divorcing" spouses over the internet. OP: That's incredibly awful, and I'm sorry to hear that your wife did that to you. :(

Y'know, I think that you guys have communication problems if you talk over Facebook when you're in the same damn house. If you didn't have any idea this was coming, YDI. Divorces generally don't happen out of the blue like this. I mean, it sucks that you're divorced, but you probably could have avoided it.

AlexJakubsen1 0

uhg, hope that harlet rots in hell. you deserve better buddy. cry a little bit then move on.

wallythedolly 0

lol....this was on msn,com or something.

I do know someone who got an engagement broken off. However, at my office where I work, all of us are literally in talking distance but we use IM to talk to each other. So it's believable that people adopt this behavior even with the people they love.

donttread22 0

haha that's so funny (not really) I think I'll go post this on facebook!