By nothappywithlife - 30/03/2009 21:34 - United States

Today, I checked my facebook, and my wife of 5 years was listed as single. I then write on her wall that it is ok to announce to be married. She writes back saying that we have to talk and to come to the kitchen. My wife divorced me over facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 528
You deserved it 44

Top comments

thats a real kick in the junk.facebook screws everyone over..

I had that happen when I was dating a douchebag once, but a MARRIAGE!?


I usually think most of these are deserved, but you my man, I really feel for you. That is rough.

hahahaha #27......yeah, what a c%&t.

I don't believe this...unless your ex-wife is a complete bitch

that's the bitchiest thing I've ever heard of. I hope you find someone who's actually decent

a guy broke up with me over facebook once. good riddance. you should look up her friends on facebook and start hooking up with them.

poor guy. ur life sucks like a vacuum.

79--the WHOLE point of facebook is for college students, you used to have to provide a college email address and be confirmed as an enrolled student to get one. most people think that if you are UNDER 18 you shouldnt be using it. nice try though.

That's just terrible... sorry to hear.

Get a good lawyer, make sure she gets NOTHING - not even alimony - and you get at least half of what's hers. I hope you both don't have kids. Sorry this happened to you. Oh, and dismantle that damned computer she's using.