By canispankthat - 01/10/2010 11:07 - United States

Today, I caught my husband modeling my cute floral panties. All he could manage to say was "I love you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 713
You deserved it 4 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cross dressing usually has little to do with gay. it's separate from sexual preference. it's still odd. but I've known several cross dressers with happy heterosexual marriages.

RezaDupontDC 0

Relax, it's not gay. You turn him on, and he's trying to imagine how it feels to be you.


Deabells 0

please leave him b4 a long time down the road he tells u he's gay, and u'll have wasted all ur youth and beauty on a guy who loves you but has never been in love with you, and has instead found the love of his life who he will proceed to leave u for.

Joekool1192 0

Hahaha your husband awesome lol

chyeaa_bri 12

I think it's cute that grown men still have their inner child and curiosity going. Trying on girls panties doesn't mean a boy is gay, a lot of them do it. It's funny, learn to enjoy and embrace the things you consider "strange". It's not that serious.

Dead_Bunny213 5

that's hilarious, I think he did it to make you laugh

That's funny! FYL fir not having a sense of humor!

KissMyFurryAss 10

My boyfriend wore my panties before he gave them to me (he enjoys making me blush) I see nothing wrong with it... But he's bi- so it seems normal to me :3

tdonato 2

Bet they aren't as cute to you now as they were when you first bought them huh?

madgrinchhatter 12

Wow a husband who loves you, your life must suck.