By emayc - 22/11/2017 05:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I came home from an overnight trip to find my room a complete mess. My coked up housemate had invited strangers to stay over when they told her they didn't have place to sleep. They stole my money, speakers, Polaroid camera, and passport. They left a packet of biscuits. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 678
You deserved it 394

Top comments

They left a packet of biscuits? That is the most British thing I've ever bloody heard!

Lobby_Bee 17

Take all her coke and sell them to recoup your loss. That'll teach her a lesson.


corky1992 33

Maybe you shouldn’t have a druggie as a roommate then. If you can’t trust them to bring people into your home without you there to babysit then they should find a new place to live.

ItchySasquatch 9

Take the packet to the police and see if they can id finger prints.