By Anonymous - 23/04/2009 14:09 - United States

Today, I came home from a two-week overseas business trip. My wife was at work, but she came home for lunch. When she came in, she brushed right past me to hug and talk to her dog. When I mentioned it, she said, "But I haven't seen him all day!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 627
You deserved it 4 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would seriously consider re-evaluating whether you want to stay married to her or not. I mean, i realize people like their pets, but really? What. A. Bitch.

missus_butter 0

Whatever the dog is doing, start doing that.


ilovefmlife 0

lol @#10 I can tell she really missed you.

maybe the dog gives her more love and affection then you do lol

amen! @33...i bet you're a dumb bitch...jk jk lol...kind of :-P

That sucks. Sell the dog and tell her it ran away.

I just read an FML that a dude couldnt get laid by his wife for 5 weeks, turns out she was blowing his son. Now thats ******* funny

poolshark 0

Well, #44, are you calling be a dumb bitch or not? If you're going to be presumptious, grow some balls and be assertive... or just go on being a sheep and saying 'amen' so you can sound like the machismo prick you aspire to be when you finally go through puberty.

Whenever I come home from college and my parents get home from work, they always say hi to the dogs first. Or they get excited to see my younger sister who lives at home. And I don't go home that much either, as I'm an hour away and don't have a car. And I agree with Ohhhshizzz. I'm a pretty intelligent person, graduated second in my high school class, go to a great college, am better in math than most guys I know, despite supposedly men doing better, got perfect SATs in math and writing, and did bomb on the AP Calculus AB test despite being a woman. I have a genius IQ, which is more than you can say about most of the men who believe that women should cook and bear children. If all women did that, we'd be without a lot of great medicines and inventions. People should grow up and live in the 21st century.

abasio 1
jdb2009 0

You wouldn't happen to live in Ohio...would you?

throw the dog in the trash and # 10 AMEN

erijgio89248 0

hahahaha. that's hilarious.