By Anonymous - 29/12/2010 02:52 - United States

Today, I came home and was greeted by my dad telling me that he pawned my guitar for gas money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 756
You deserved it 2 605

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xMafia 0

Hey, don't worry. it's not like he pawned your guitar for gas money. Oh, wait...



Well, gas is expensive nowadays But seriously, that sucks big fonkey balls

omggtfomi 1

That's when you go ape shit on the mother ****** and disown him

He better get that guitar back or get you a new one! Sorry OP, I hope you can sort things out. Things wouldn't end well if my parents got rid of my guitar.

sdahl1113 4

That blows. Living at home has it's advantages but it's totally not worth it to me. I'm so glad I no longer have to deal with crap like that.

I don't play guitar or any instrument but if my dad pawned one of my valuables I would have been super pissed off

Beastninja5268 15

I would "pawn" his car for money to get a new guitar.