By thank u usa - 13/12/2013 22:20 - Germany

Today, I came across a tourist in the street asking people for directions, but nobody understood him. I speak English, so I went to help the gentleman out. He said "Knock it off with the cheesy accent, pal" and informed me that my country is a shithole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 069
You deserved it 3 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Weird_situations 13

Tell him to get the **** out of your country then!!


Aaaand this is why everyone hates the US... ignorance... sorry OP..your country is beautiful and I'm jealous :)

elmateo_fml 9

Well. . . we don't want him back

To all people all Americans are not all like this please forgive us

That's rude. As an America I gotta say a lot of us are over privileged assholes who act like we're amazing. Luckily not everyone is. Just since the over privileged ones can afford to travel so far. You're stuck with them. Hopefully you get some nice tourists soon.

Probably to be expected if everyone has treated him like ? so far!