By BellinaNico - 25/05/2013 04:40 - United States - Mcdonough

Today, I called my fiancé just to tell him how much I love him, as a sweet gesture. He yelled at me for interrupting his video game and blamed my "neediness" on the fact that I'm menstruating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 660
You deserved it 8 300

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like a reaaaaal awesome husband-to-be...

So next time he tries to be frisky and interrupts your activities you yell at him and blame his "neediness" on the fact that he is hard. FYL.


Sounds like an astute observation to me.

footcheezeez 16

Dump that douchebag. Every woman deserves respect from every man, except for nightmare bitches, as some men deserve respect for not being a sex crazed puddle of testosterone. My whole point is, your (hopefully) ex boyfriend is an anal orifice and deserves no respect.

Let me guess: You're still going to marry him

Wow, I'd really appreciate it if my partner did anything like that. This guy is definitely not worthy of you.

"Sweet gesture" my foot. Gosh, it's one of the most quietly infuriating things in the world when women think a relationship entitles them to interrupt you anytime, anywhere just to... say some words. Not even have a meaningful conversation. Poor guy, the fact that he happened to be playing a video game at the time also means he walked into a stereotype. You *are* needy. And extremely self-absorbed if you think "love" is all about an entitlement to an emotional object.

Sounds like an omen. Time for an end to an immature relationship and moving forward to something more promising.

Ugh he's am idiot. Smack him with a pan and blame your period

graphicstyle7 17

That is a bad, bad, bad sign. Don't think for a moment things will get better, trust me, they won't. Call it off, get dating again. Really, you can do better.

I don't care what he said, that was a sweet gesture, and you deserve better. And some idiots on this website wouldn't know love if it bit them on the ass. You're not needy and your boyfriend should realize that you're a real keeper, even if he's not.