By grrrr - 12/02/2011 19:00 - United States

Today, I broke up with my boyfriend. Feeling bad, I texted him a few hours later apologizing. He said it was fine and that he went ahead and picked up a girl from the mall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 132
You deserved it 48 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP - You're an idiot. Either you meant to break up with him, in which case you shouldn't apologize for it and presumably try to take him back, or you broke up with him in a fit of rage in which case you deserve it because you didn't control yourself enough to not say something you don't mean.

kenshinjapan 2

Why did you break up with him them? YDI


mintcar 9

Don't break up with someone unless you absolutely mean it.

Well, at least he didn't cheat on you.

mintcar 9

Don't break up with someone unless you absolutely mean it.

MrBoredGuy 1
biohaz_fml 0

good for him!!! girls like u deserve this!!!!!

sassypants93 17

This is why you don't break up with someone without thinking it through...

Well, at least he didn't cheat on you.

Well, at least he didn't cheat on you.

Well, at least he didn't cheat on you.

Well, at least he didn't cheat on you.