By fish killer - 08/02/2013 03:58 - Canada

Today, I bought a fish. I put the tank on top of the fridge so my cat wouldn't get at it. I'd forgotten to buy some things for its tank, so I quickly ran out to get them. When I got home, I saw the tank destroyed on the floor, and my cat devouring my fish. I had the fish for less than an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 267
You deserved it 29 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cats are like ninjas ...don't fall for those cute eyes

JellyBalls 18

And that was the greatest less than an hour time of its life.


PhishloverA 14

Now go back to the store where you bought the accessories and ask if there are refunds in case your fish somehow dies

You did know that cats can jump and climb stuff, right? Next time, put the fish in a room with the door closed so kitty can't have snack time.

Why didn't you just put it in another room and close the door....?

Actually the top of the fridge is one of the worst places you can put a tank. Fish are extremely sensitive to vibrations and sound that result from being put too close to machinery. The stress from being put on top of a fridge would have probably killed them any way.

why the hell would you have a fish if you have a carnivore who eat fish you're stupid

zeffra13 31

#133 My cat could open doors with round door knobs no problem. Since we wanted him to sleep in the bathroom at night until he was litter trained, we took the knob off so it was just a square post sticking out, but he could open that too. He could also open the fold-top cat carriers.

Hey... Cats can jump on top of refrigerators. Just a heads up for next time.

nicholasj96 9

Get a spray bottle and spritz the cat . It's equivalent to beating it's ass .