By nolinguist - 22/11/2009 17:39 - Austria

Today, I arrived in Austria. Within about an hour, I realized that I couldn't understand any "German". Turns out they have a totally different dialect here to anything I was taught in school. I'm here till May. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 312
You deserved it 18 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"ich liebe meine scheide" just say that everywhere you go

remember, the universal language for ordering at a restaraunt is point at the item listed.


Ugh, stop whining, you'll pick it up in less than two weeks.

This shouldn't be in a surprise. Any German teacher who is worth anything will inform you no less than twenty times a semester that each German-speaking country has it's own dialect.

1. You'll pick up the dialect without much difficulty if you have a decent command of hochdeutsch (the German they teach in schools). 2. Until then, most people in Austria speak English, so that's always something to fall back on.

darnesey 0

you'll get used to the language. it's only natural.

idiot. you should know that. If you were smart you'd at least do some research on the place you're going to if you're there for 6 months or so.

kcg4305 0

good thing you will be able to pick up the dialect in 6 months. It might suck, but don't let people talk to you and you will learn a lot, you'll have to.

If you're there for so long, and you already know German, you'll pick it up in no time, you just need to spend time talking to people!

XxSlAyNnXx 0

Just learn how to say beer. everything else will take care of itself