By YourAverageFckUp - 23/08/2015 01:21 - United States - Richmond

Today, even after explaining to my boyfriend that I was self conscious about my breasts because they're slightly misshaped, he still persisted with begging me for a tit pic, saying he would still see me as beautiful. I gave in and sent one. He responded with "LOL WHAT ARE THOOOOOOSSSEE." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 585
You deserved it 14 856

YourAverageFckUp tells us more.

OP here. First, thanks for all the support and funny comments :) no, my face wasn't in the picture. He said he did it to lighten the mood. He apologised and then surprised me by showing up at my place with flowers and chocolate to make up for it. Happy ending after all!

Top comments

Ask him for a dick pic and do the same thing.

That was really insensitive. Especially if it's about something you yourself are not comfortable with sharing.


He was obviously joking with you. A little uncalled for, but joking, nonetheless.

curiouslilbird 19

He still sounds kind of immature, but glad it worked out in the end!

He's a lieing asshole. Don't listen to him, OP; no breast is exactly like it's twin, unless they're fake. I'm sure yours are perfectly normal. If you really feel that self conscious about them, there's a website that showcases breasts from normal women, of all sizes and shapes, to make women feel good about their own breasts. I can't remember the name but a google search should be easy to find it, if you want to.

I feel bad for you but tbh his response is golden except you sent him a tit pic not shoes

BloodyGlass 10

*sends back a text* "You're now single, up yours! :D"

spoopyghost111 0

Lmao sounds like your boyfriend has a tumblr

Lol, epic. Glad he was joking though.

randybryant799 20

I'm confused. Has he never seen them in person?