By georgiamarshall_ - 09/01/2013 10:42 - Australia - Sydney

Today, at work, a little girl came in and asked if we had any dance clothes. As I showed her, I asked if she was in a competition. When she said yes, I crossed my fingers and told her I hoped she would win. Unfortunately, I didn't cross them properly and I accidentally gave her the finger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 399
You deserved it 34 157

georgiamarshall_ tells us more.

Hi all! Original poster here. I understand most of you don't think it's possible to accidentally stick your finger up instead of crossing them, but it's kind of an in group joke with all of my work friends that we flip the bird to each other. I guess habit took over! I am so ashamed, but at least she didn't realise what it meant and her mother wasn't around!

Top comments

Well, let's hope she's too young to know what it means.

I'm still trying to figure out how crossing your fingers looks anything like flicking someone off. Sure you weren't subconsciously resentful? Working in retail can do that to people.


perdix 29

#35, it just has to be done well. Good references to past FMLs can be quite funny. Not to toot my own horn, but I liked my "asshole move" reference the other day ;) There may be no hope for the Reverse FML or Soviet Russia motifs, but look at "lowers sunglasses." It sucks when done poorly, but can be very amusing if applied with good timing.

How can you cross your fingers in such manner that it looks like you're giving someone the finger? It's not rocket science. I'm sorry but YDI.

perdix, I don't disagree. However, and with all do respect to the famed Noor, this just feels forced. It just seems like we can't go through a single FML now-a-days without someone making references to other FMLs. If you have something kickass - great. If not, no need to force a connection.

That's exactly what I was thinking but then I realize he wanted to say "I am" but they always pronounce it as "AMA", which isn't a word-_- smh

I just spent three minutes trying to fail at crossing my fingers in a way that looked even remotely offensive, and I can now say with total honesty that I have no idea how you managed to do this. Well done, but you still deserved it.

It all really depends on the FML.. Most people are not gonna read FML's from like page 800. So most that have probably won't do a reference from there..

Just let her think that giving her "the bird" is the new good luck symbol of telling her to-- break a leg. (:

It all depends on the FML, and in some cases, it simply isn't necessary.

alvin4676 7

Lets just hope it wasn't one of Abby's kids.