By shit_upon_literally - 07/03/2009 05:51 - United States

Today, at a hard rock concert, a bunch of guys accidentally knocked down a port-a-potty while moshing. I was inside that port-a-potty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 238 876
You deserved it 21 089

shit_upon tells us more.

they were wasted to the point of oblivion and probably had no idea what had just gone down. i didn't cry, but i was REALLY angry about it. my clothes were full of shit but luckily i had an extra pair of pants in my car and i had bought a band t-shirt earlier

Top comments

-Insert lame pun containing the word 'shit'-

juneau 0

OMG!! did all the shit fall on u?


CelticSkye 13

What I want to know is why so many people clicked on the 'You Deserved It' button. How could this person deserve this?

whatth3h3ck 13

That incident will def make you refrain from using public toiletries again. Sorry op.

notapotato 12

L0L!was their poop all over you???FYL btw

Next time throw shit at them and ask them how they like it. Or don't go into one at all. Personally, I avoid them like the plague.