By Username - 17/03/2010 00:46 - France

Today, at a debate tournament based on domestic abuse, my partner yells out, "Has anyone considered that maybe the women DESERVED to be beaten?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 609
You deserved it 6 635

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I already know I'm going to hate 95% of the comments on this one.


İ would love to meet your DEBATE partner, some think you are in a relationship =/

thatoneGeo 0

not a fml idiot. some women deserve it as much has men. I've seen things and I agree with him

yeah @37? what have you seen? nothing, I bet. being beat isn't funny, don't say people deserve it. no one deserves it. violence isn't strength, it's weakness and an inability to control yourself..

On the contrary, violence is very much strength. In fact, violence is power. Why do you think there are world powers? 'Cause they beat the shit out of all the smaller fags that can't defend themselves.

956TXking 0

is it not weird that your a bitch....

haha yeah it is weird, dude sarcasm ftw she did not mean that , don't get aroused by online comments. your total tally =6 posts. remember it is quality not quantity so quit trolling and messing up the FML server, no one appreciates it.

There is a saying ' Don't fight with the stupid, they will drag you down to their stupidity level' i am sorry i have spent my time here posting this comment.

haha @50 'puto' ? high 5, for insulting in spanish. I do that too when I'm pissed. :p

956TXking 0

not a doubt in my mind about both the things I mentioned ... I felt like ;) ... but then > (

What do you tell a woman with 2 black eyes?

sorcerersinger 0

nothing, you already told her twice!

OK, round two. What does a woman say when she gets home from a battered woman's shelter?

ScaryGirl 4

Ok, what about this one: A woman tells her husband: I want you to give me a present, something that will surprise me, something that will take my breath away... And then he punched her in the stomach :D

sorcerersinger 0

well, it was HIS partner who was on the same team as him. why else is it on the website? and you're right. horrible thought.

956TXking 0
paperdolll 0

i'm a female and i can say that some women do deserve it. a lot of them act like bitches soooo :]

Quest_ 13

You have a ******, you clearly are a world-class authority on if and why women deserve to be beaten. Thank you for your insights!

boreddoubletears 0